Grass Fed Beef Bone Broth by Farmer Angus 475ml


Ingredients: Farmer Angus beef bones, Ezibusisweni Water, Organic Veg (Carrots, onions, celery, garlic), vinegar, non-irradiated tumeric, rosemary, parsley, bay leaves & black pepper.

SKU: FAR22 Categories: ,

Farmer Angus Beef is grass fed & grass finished. There are no hormones, antibiotics or artificial preservatives added. Regenerative agriculture produces beef that is 100% nutritious and natural. Grain-fed beef is often packed with hormones and inflammatory by nature. This is because the animal’s digestive system is violated by the grain-fats they’re forced to metabolise, throwing the Omega 6 and Omega 3 ratio out of balance. Grass-fed beef has up to five times the amount of healthy Omega 3s. Grass fed beef has no carcinogens and because they’re grass-fed they’re nutrient rich and truly tasty.

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